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The privacy of our website visitors is of utmost importance to us, and we are dedicated to ensuring the protection of user privacy. Our commitment to safeguarding personal information is clearly outlined in this privacy policy.
By consenting to this privacy policy, users acknowledge the use of cookies in accordance with the terms set forth in this agreement. This policy details how information is collected, shared, and utilized by our website, referred to as the Organization, including its affiliates and subsidiaries.
It's important to note that the terms and conditions of this privacy policy are subject to change or modification at any time. Users will be notified of any changes, and by continuing to use the website, it implies the acceptance of the updated terms. Should a user refuse to accept any changes, they are encouraged to discontinue using the website.
While our privacy statement specifically outlines our website's information practices, we want to emphasize that we cannot be held responsible for the privacy policies or information collection and distribution practices of any third-party clients, businesses, or websites to which we may link. Users are advised to review the terms and policies of any other websites they visit via links on our website.
We may collect, store, and use various types of data through the website, including but not limited to:

The information provided when signing up for an account on our website;

Any additional personal information sent to us by the user;

Data provided when subscribing to our email alerts and newsletters, including username and email ID;

Information generated when using our website's services, which may include the pattern, frequency, and timing of service use;
Data about a client's computer or PC, including IP address, operating system, location, browser version and type, referral source, site visits, duration of visit, and site navigation paths;
Information associated with any purchases made on our site or any transactions entered into through our site. This may include the client's name, email address, postal address, phone number, and credit or debit card details;
Details provided when creating a website user profile, such as name, gender, address, date of birth, profile pictures, relationship status, hobbies, interests, and employment information;
Client data posted on our site for distribution on the web, which may include username, profile pictures, and other related content of the posts;
Information related to any communication sent through our site or transmitted to us, including communication-related content and metadata.
It's important for clients to understand that they must obtain the consent of any other individual before disclosing that person's personal data to us.
Our website is intended for adults only, and we do not intentionally collect, request, or store personal information from individuals under the age of 18. We prioritize the protection of children's privacy and urge parents to familiarize themselves with our privacy policy and its terms and conditions.
Regarding IP addresses, we collect this information to identify and address server issues. It's important to note that every computer using the Internet is assigned an IP address, which is crucial for recognizing and managing online sessions, as well as for gathering demographic information.
Additionally, our website utilizes log files to track visitor activity, including the pages accessed and the hyperlinks clicked during website visits or when reading emails. This allows us to monitor and analyze user usage for improvement and optimization purposes.  
The personal data collected through our website is managed by our payment service provider for handling transactions, inquiries, payments, refunds, and complaints. This data will be used exclusively for purposes outlined in our policy, including:

- Website and business management

- Site improvements

- Providing site services

- Delivering purchased products

- Sending statements, invoices, and payment confirmations

- Email notifications upon user request

- Sending newsletters upon user request (with an option to opt-out)

- Sharing anonymous user statistics with third parties

- Sending non-promotional communications

- Preventing fraudulent activities

- Sending marketing communications via email or postal mail if requested by the user (with an option to opt-out)

- Ensuring adherence to website terms and conditions, including monitoring private messages

- Handling complaints and inquiries regarding the website

It's important to note that user data will not be shared with third-party companies for direct marketing without consent. User-provided information may be published on the website with the user's permission and in accordance with the granted license. Users have control over the dissemination of their personal information through privacy settings provided on the website.  
We may disclose a user's personal information to our holding company, subsidiaries, as well as other companies within our group in accordance with this privacy policy. Additionally, we may disclose personal information to insurers, agents, officers, employers, professional advisers, subcontractors, or suppliers for the purposes outlined in this policy.
Regarding changes to this policy, users are advised to regularly review it for updates and modifications. In the event of any material changes to the policy, users will be notified via email or through a conspicuous notice on the website. The policy will remain in effect until any further changes are made, with users' continued use of the website signifying their acceptance of and agreement to be bound by the updated policy.
While we employ industry-standard measures to protect and secure personal data, we cannot guarantee its complete security due to the inherent risks associated with data storage and transmission over the Internet. Although we make every effort to safeguard user information, we do not guarantee that our security measures will prevent unauthorized access by third-party hackers.
We may disclose users' personal information as required by law, to potential or actual buyers of our business, in connection with legal proceedings, to establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights, and in response to requests from courts or competent authorities. Except as outlined in this privacy policy, we will not provide any user's personal information to third parties.
If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, please feel free to contact us.